The Custom Coronets Business Model/Order Process/Workflow
Custom Coronets by Cathyn relies heavily on our extensive knowledge of the Period design aesthetic when conceptualizing your unique piece, but every decision will be exclusively yours to make. The artist will only provide guidance, but as you’ll be wearing it for years to come, it should be something you love, and love to wear, whether that be a complete recreation of a period piece seen in a painting of that era, or a flight of modern fantasy. Once we see eye to eye on ideas, a drawing will be penciled out and sent for your approval. Design changes are encouraged at this time, and will be incorporated happily. Once we have settled on a design I can build and you’ll want to wear, I’ll draw it out in ink and submit to you one final time for approval. Once you’ve approved the final version, I will create a spreadsheet which will include the materials required to complete the build. The cost of these materials will be your deposit. When I have received the deposit, I will order the materials, and when they are received from my suppliers, work will commence. I will scrupulously track my time, down to the 1/100th of an hour, and bill that time at $30/hour. When the piece is complete, I will prepare a final bill, and ship the piece when payment is received.
To date, I have done business on an honor-driven hand-shake basis. I do not require contracts, as I trust my Peers to not force me to require contracts.
Recent events cause me to point out that this sort of work is not inexpensive. My pieces to date have ranged in price from $150 to $3000, with $800-$1000 being about average. Please plan accordingly.